Showing persistence and perseverance in the face of difficulty. Having the ability to face challenges with confidence and with good humour. Being able to respond positively to setbacks and to see them as an opportunity to learn.
Being reflective about the process of learning and what we do. Showing an awareness of both strengths and weaknesses and taking responsibility for personal development.
Being open-minded to the wide range of beliefs, opinions and cultures that make up the modern world and yet having the strength of character to stand by one’s own. Showing respect and acceptance to those who hold contrary views and the intellectual flexibility to see others’ points of view. Having a global outlook and actively contributing to a multi-cultural society.
Recognising that kindness and consideration are an essential part of a civilised society and a happy community. Acting with compassion and showing empathy towards those in difficulty.
Demonstrating an awareness that collaboration is a vital skill in society. Working with others to bring about the greater good and to offer service. Showing generosity towards other opinions and ideas and an ability to recognise that other ideas may be better than one’s own. Working together to learn.
Demonstrating a confident, imaginative and innovative approach to what is possible. Pushing oneself both mentally and physically in unfamiliar situations. Showing curiosity and creativity to explore new ideas and opportunities.
Having an inquisitive and investigative attitude.
Being forward-thinking with a vision of the future, and showing the determination and courage to follow this path.
Showing self-reliance and resourcefulness in all actions.
Showing the strength of character to be an honest and trustworthy member of society and to stand by one’s beliefs. Being willing to accept personal responsibility where things go wrong and to learn from mistakes when they occur. Demonstrating intellectual honesty by acknowledging sources of information and ideas.
Having awareness of one’s strengths and abilities but with a sense of modesty. Recognising the distinction and benefits of a Malvern College education, making the most of the opportunities it provides and understanding with sensitivity and humility that others do not enjoy the same advantages.

Malvern Qualities
At Malvern College we seek to encourage and develop the following qualities in our pupils: